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Puer tea

In recent years, Pu-erh tea has attracted a lot of attention. As its popularity grows, more and more tea lovers want to learn more about pu-erh. Before talking about the benefits of pu-erh tea, how to brew it correctly and what are its main types, you should understand what pu-erh tea is and why it…

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Oolong tea

Many people consider oolong tea to be a type of black tea or sometimes green tea. In this article, we would like to answer the question "Is oolong tea black tea?" and tell you about oolong tea in general. What is oolong tea? Oolong tea is a completely different type of tea than black or…

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Darjeeling tea

Darjeeling tea is a well-known variety of tea that is exported all over the world. It grows in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India. Darjeeling tea is unique in that its leaves can be processed in a variety of ways, resulting in black, green, white or oolong tea. Fast Facts Origin: Darjeeling District, West…

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Health Benefits of Different Types of Tea

Considered in the East as the key to good health, happiness, and wisdom, tea has attracted the attention of researchers in the West for thousands of years. There are many studies that show numerous health benefits of different types of tea. Studies have shown that certain teas can help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes,…

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Tea: a brief history

Чай в давние времена Согласно легенде, чай был впервые обнаружен в 2737 году до нашей эры китайским императором по имени Шен Нунг, когда несколько листьев попали в горячую воду. На самом деле, чаепитие было открыто гораздо позже в истории (не известно, когда именно), и не известно, кто его открыл. Из Китая чай распространился в Японию.…

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